Hey, MiSTer! #arcade #gaming

The “MiSTer” Project has intrigued me for some time (I last wrote about it in 2019) and even while the world somewhat crumbles around us, it provides hope as well entertainment.

While it does quite vigorously only look at emulation to produce output (necessitating use of “matching” add-ons for the DE-10 “Field Programmable Gate Array”) the #MiSTercade offshoot is designed from the outset to sit inside a “coin operated” arcade “cabinet”.

While Arcade games haven’t really been my thing, since getting 1 home can be a logistic as well as fiscal nightmare, this product, while expensive, offers the capability to turn any piece of furniture into a game-system.

The chap who runs Lazy Game Reviews has a fairly tech-heavy piece on YouTube (as below) links therein to the “ooo look at this” content he also made, potentially as well as the same product reviewed by RetroRGB, all worth a look.

“Upgrading a 90s Arcade Machine with MiSTercade – FPGA Gaming Excellence!”


About Nick

Professional bureaucrat, ex-KUSECWB, graduate & techie-monsta / computer-wrangler; at your service.